Te Huinga History
Te Huinga is, now an Incorporated Society, a collective of Hapu within the boundaries of Whangarei District Council. They have been and continue to be committed to working together in the strong belief that so much more can be achieved together than working in isolation. They continue to seek to play a significant part in advocating and advancing the interests of the hapu and the people of Whangarei.
Te Huinga meets monthly with Whangarei District Council (WDC) and have been a conduit to WDC for the past 40 years. In this time Te Huinga have worked with many WDC Maori Liaison officers – Matatahi George, Solomon Tipene, Aperahama Edwards and Andre Hemara. These officers are now replaced with a whole team called “Strategy and Democracy”. We have also worked with many Mayors, the most appreciative of Maori was the past Mayor Sheryl Mai who, unfortunately, did not to stand for re-election last year. No matter who comes and goes we continue to work together and strive for an equal partnership with local government.
Te Huinga worked tirelessly to form a strategic Partnership with WDC and in 2012 Te Karearea was born as a strategic partner with WDC elected members. Te Karearea is the voice of Te Huinga and the Hapu ensuring maori values are considered, according to Te Tiriti.
Promote discussion and debate issues significant to hapū
Advocate strongly for hapū at the decision table
Influence decision-making through the Hapū worldview
Implement the agreed Te Huinga priorities through to completion
Support key hapū initiatives.

Te Huinga Strategic Plan 2020 - 2025